Upscale Guest Room Coffee Amenities
American Coffee Services is the premier provider of fresh brewed 4 cup guest room coffee. Today’s hotel guests expect upscale coffee products and amenities, like premium roasts from Cuisinart™, Starbucks® and Maxwell House®. We can provide your hotel / lodging property with a hospitality coffee program that is cost effective for you, while satisfying and convenient for your guests.
Preferred National Brands
We carry an assortment of convenient, easy to use products that your guests will appreciate, including :
4 Cup Coffee Filter Packs that contain ground coffee sealed inside a filter pouch eliminating measuring and mess, Commercial Four Cup Coffee Brewers designed specifically for the hospitality industry,
All-in-the-bag coffee packs (which include the coffee filter pack, creamer, sweetener, and stirs).
A few reasons to consider American Coffee Services:
- We are a National distributor
- Discount programs are available
- We provide ongoing customer support
- Large selection of products
- Loaned equipment options