2 Fascinating Benefits of Caffeine (Backed By Science)
About 54% of Americans over age 18 drink coffee every day. Many people assume that a quick energy boost is all that a nice cup of coffee can provide, but over the years, experts have come to their own conclusions regarding the health benefits of coffee. If you're considering investing in a coffee provider or a coffee machine for the office, you should know that coffee offers a wide range of scientifically proven health benefits. Here are just a few fascinating health benefits of coffee that are backed by science.
by Coffee Guy • May 09, 2018

About 54% of Americans over age 18 drink coffee every day. Many people assume that a quick energy boost is all that a nice cup of coffee can provide, but over the years, experts have come to their own conclusions regarding the health benefits of coffee. If you're considering investing in a coffee provider or a coffee machine for the office, you should know that coffee offers a wide range of scientifically proven health benefits. Here are just a few fascinating health benefits of coffee that are backed by science.
Burns Fat
The caffeine in coffee, scientists have found, can help coffee drinkers everywhere burn up a little bit of fat. It's actually found in almost every fat-burning supplement on the market. Studies have shown that caffeine can boost metabolic rates by between 3% and 11%. One study has even shown that the caffeine in coffee can increase fat burning rates by up to 10% for those who are obese and 29% for those who are lean. Why go through the trouble of digging out that old Richard Simmons 'Buns of Steel' VHS tape from the 80s to burn fat when you can just relax and let a fresh, hot cup of coffee do the job?
Reduces Diabetes Risk
Type 2 diabetes is a growing health concern that 300 million people around the world live with on a daily basis. The condition is recognized by increased blood sugar levels due to increased resistance to insulin.
"For some reason, coffee drinkers have a significantly reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The studies show that people who drink the most coffee have a 23% to 50% lower risk of getting this disease, one study showing a reduction as high as 67%. According to a massive review that looked at data from 18 studies with a total of 457,922 individuals, each daily cup of coffee was associated with a 7% reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes," writes Kris Gunnars onHealthline.
About 46% of U.S. workers say coffee helps them stay productive at work, but it's clear to see that the health benefits of coffee transcend far beyond increased productivity. For more information about office coffee providers, contact American Coffee Services.